Page name: Dirty Minds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-14 06:50:15
Last author: bambi and thumper07
Owner: Love 2 Live
# of watchers: 11
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Hey if you have a dirty mind then u should definatly be in this!! If you agree that everyone should have a dirty mind, and those who say they don't are lying then this is definatly for u!! So yah join, and have fun!! By the way i'm picturing you naked right now!!!


[Love 2 Live]~owner
[Scorched Sun]~my red headed lover, that stole my heart
[I AM WILLIAM HUNG]~my erotic gang bang partner
[Sara G-SPoT]~my best friend, and life partner, j/k
[Titty Clamps]~my mentionable aqquantince, that likes the train action we get in french, lol
[bigboi]~other friend
[sweetbabe16]~my cousin, and good friend!!
[SatansAngel]~friend!! and good lover, j/k
[cronmister49]~this person is kewl
[kamaraqueen] ~she's my friend
[ShadowKnight] ~this is my other other friend
[Demonspunk] ~ I luv him, he is really nice and fun 2 tlk to!
[partygirl_4] ~she is cool and really nice
[layna] ~just met her she seems pretty nice!!
[Aussi_Guy_05] ~really hot and really nice!!
[shadowlord666] ~he is my buddy in my comps. class, and likes to send me disturbing pics!!
[cheato_69] ~he is very fun to tlk to!!
[PotSmoker420]~he is really nice, and is all of my friends friend!! Well at least all the friends i know in person!!
[Trojan Man C] ~yep yep, he is my friend and Scorched Suns boyfriend, he can be interesting to tlk to, but gets stupid songs stuck in my head *get up get down with the sickness* Thats just 4 u buddy!!! lol
[demon_kissed] kinky sex is always best
[puey69] i luv sex n dirty pics so if ya wana flash ur gash den tlk 2 me xxx sam xxx
[bambi and thumper07]Lesbians Rule



The following list of fetishes was brought to you by [layna]!!

Acomoclitic — Shaved and completely hairless genitals are a turn-on.
Acousticophilia - Arousal from (certain) sounds.
Acrophilia - Being sexual aroused by heights.
Acrotomophilia - Arousal by the activity/thought of having sex with an amputee.
Actirasty - Arousal from exposure to the suns rays.
Acucullophallia - Circumcision.
Adolescentilism - Playing the role of an adolescent.
Agalmatophilia - A fetish for statues/mannequins.
Agonophilia - Pseudo-rape, pretend struggle or wrestling play as a form of foreplay.
Agoraphilia —Gettin' it on out in public is hot, hot, hot!
Agrexophilia - Excitement from knowing that others are aware of a persons sexual activities.
Aischrolgia - The expression of obscenities.
Albutophilia - Arousal from water.
Algolagnia - Both Masochism and Sadism.
Algophilia - Enjoyment or arousal from pain.
Alphmegamia —Bring on the older, seasoned men.
Allopellia - Orgasm from watching others have sex.
Allorgasmia - The need to fantasise about a more desirable partner in order to orgasm.
Altocalciphilia —High heels make this person horny.
Alvinolagnia - Stomach fetish.
Amaurophilia - Excitement from having a partner who is unable to see them during sex.
Ambisextrous - Attractive to both sexes.
Amelotasis - Attraction to someone who has lost a limb.
Amomaxia - Sex in a parked car.
Amychesis - The act of scratching a partner during sex.
Anaclitism - Sexual enjoyment arising from activities, or being exposed to objects, normally associated with childhood (e.g. toilet training, breast sucking, playing with dolls).
Anasteemaphilia - Being attracted to someone due to a difference in height.
Anolinctus - The act of licking the anus of another.
Anolingus - The act of inserting the tongue into the anus of another (as opposed to just licking it).
Antholagnia —The scent of a flower brings about that special tingly feeling.
Anthropophagolagnia - Rape with cannibalism (usually after the rape).
Anthropophagy - Cannibalism for sexual purposes.
Apotemnophilia - Arousal from the idea of losing a limb (either through accident or surgical procedure).
Arachnephilia - Arousal from play with spiders.
Asthenolagnia —When this person's partner is mamby-pamby, this makes him or her quite randy.
Asphyxiaphilia - Sexual arousal, or enhancement, from lack of oxygen.
Autagonistophilia - Arousal from being on stage, being in front of a camera or in the public eye.
Autoassassinophilia - "Stage managing the possibility of one's own masochistic death by murder". Coined by John Money.
Autogynephilia - Sexual excitement from cross dressing.
Automasochism - The act of inflicting pain or injuries on oneself as a way of causing sexual stimulation.
Automysophilia - Arousal from being dirty or defiled.
Autophagy - The ingesting of one's own flesh (usually for sexual reasons).
Axillism - Using the armpit for sex (as a substitute vagina).
Belonephilia - Arousal from using of needles.
Bestialsadism - Arousal from performing cruel acts to animals.
Biastophilia - Only being aroused when sexually assaulting an unwilling victim.
Biiest - A female who has a fetish for female feet.
Blastolagnia - A person aroused by young females.
Botulinonia - Using a sausage as a dildo.
Capnolagnia - Arousal from watching others smoke.
Catheterophilia - Arousal from the use of catheters.
Chezolagnia - Masturbating whilst defecating.
Choreophilia - Sexual arousal from dancing.
Chrematistophilia - Arousal from either paying for sex or from being robbed.
Claustrophilia - Sexual arousal from being confined in small spaces e.g. cages, coffins or straight jackets.
Clitoridectomy - Surgical removal of the clitoris in females (obviously).
Coitobalnism - Sexual activities whilst in the bath.
Coitus A Cheval - Sex on a horse.
Coitus A Unda - Sex in water.
Coitus Interfermoris - Penetration between the thighs. Sometimes used as a form of birth control.
Colobosis - Mutilation of the penis.
Coprography - "To write with faeces". To write obscene graffiti, poems or stories. Arousal from obscene words.
Coprophagy - The act of eating faeces. Quite a popular activity up until the 1700s.
Coprophilia - Refers to someone that is sexually aroused by faeces.
Corephallism - Having anal sex with a young girl.
Coulrophilia —This person wants a clown to entertain their pants off while playing with that long, red balloon.
Cunnilalia —Just talking about female genitalia gives this person the proverbial or actual woody.
Cunnilingus —Tonguing vulva is titillating.
Dacnolagnomania - A lust murder.
Dacryphilia - Refers to someone that is aroused by seeing tears in the eyes of their partner.
Dasyproctic - With hairy buttocks.
Defecolagbia - Arousal from defecating.
Dippoldism - Sexual arousal from beating/chastising children.
Dogging - The watching of couples having sex in parked cars.
Doleros - Arousal from pain.
Doraphilia - Love of fur or skin (usually leather).
Dysmorphophilia - Sexual arousal from deformities in others.
Ecorchement - Flagellation.
Ecouteurism - Unintentional arousal from sounds.
Electrophilia - Arousal from electrical stimulus.
Emetophilia - Arousal from vomit or vomiting.
Endytophilia - Refers to preferring a sex partner to be clothed rather than naked during sex.
Entomophilia - The use of insects for sexual stimulation.
Epispadias - The condition whereby the urethra opens up on the upper surface of the penis instead of extending through the centre to the tip of the penis.
Eproctophilia —"Beans! Beans! The magical fruit! The more you eat, the more you…" This person is horny whenever farting is involved. An ideal date might begin at Taco Bell, or perhaps with cabbage, beans, and a Farrelly Brothers movie.
Erotographomania - Strong desire to write love letters or poetry.
Exhibitionism —This is someone who enjoys surprising others by exposing their naughty bits. I'm thinking an omolagnian would probably get along really well with this person.
Fisting —This person is aroused by either being the receiver or giver of a hand, fist, or forearm into the rectum or vagina. This also appears to be one of the few fetishes that can be easily pronounced.
Flatuphilia - Arousal from others passing gas.
Formicophilia - Sex play with ants/insects.
Gerontophilia - Arousal from people who are significantly older.
Gomphipothic - Arousal from the sight of teeth.
Graophilia —Older females are hotties, and The Graduate is probably a favorite movie.
Gymnophilia —Turned on by nudity. Oh come on, who isn't? Sheesh.
Gynelophilous - Arousal from the sight/touch of pubic hair.

Gynemimetophilia - Someone is aroused by a male who is impersonating a female. The thought of someone who was born a man, but now stands corseted, made up better than Tammy Faye, in a dress and belting out "Wind Beneath my Wings," seriously gets this person off. It just has to be female impersonator or a male to female transsexual. Rent Tootsie or The Birdcage.
Gynonudomania —If the thought of ripping clothes off of other people fills you with lust, you are a Gynonudomanian. You should probably also invest in several credit cards to replace those quickly dissipating wardrobes.
Harmatophilia - Arousal from mistake or from breaking rules.
Harpaxophilia - sexual arousal from being robbed.
Hebephilia —Teenagers make this person randy.
Hierophilia —This person gets off on sacred objects such as crosses. I would say rent The Exorcist, but if that movie gets you hot, I need to bump this definition down a category or two.
Hirsutophilia —Aroused by armpit hair and, most probably, Berkeley.
Hodophilia - Sexual arousal from travelling to new or strange places.
Homilophilia - Arousal from giving or receiving a sermon or speech.
Hygrophilia - Arousal from contact with body secretions (tears, salvia etc.)
Hyphephilia - Sexual arousal from touching (certain) fabrics.
Iantronudia - The arousal that some people have when they expose themselves to doctors.
Iatronudia —Doctor, doctor! This person loves exposing him or herself to a physician. The health insurance bills must be staggering…
Idrophrodisia - Arousal from perspiration.
Inspectionism - Voyeurism.
Irrumation - Fellatio.
Jactitation - Excitement or arousal from bragging about their own sexual exploits.
Kleptolagnia - Arousal from stealing.
Kleptophilia —The only difference between this person and someone giving themselves the five-finger discount is that this person gets horny when they steal.
Klismaphilia - Arousal from having an enema.
Knismolagnia - Arousal from tickling.
Lactaphilia —Mammaries full of milk don't make just babies happy...
Lagnonector - A person that kills in order to have sex with the corpse.
Leptosadism - Mild sadism.
Lygerastia - Being aroused only when in darkness.
Macrogenitalism —Are you aroused by large genitals? Scandalous!
Maieusiophilia —Pregnant women make this person hot under the collar. This should be good news to moms-to-be asking "Do I look like a cow or what?"
Martymachlia —Aroused by having others watch during sex. Get these folks hooked up with a voyeur, pronto.
Mastix - A female sadist.
Mastofact - Breast fetish.
Mazoperosis - Mutilation of the breasts.
Meable - Easily penetrated.
Medolalia —This person could hang with a cunnilalist since this person is aroused by talking about everything phallus.
Melcryptovestimentaphilia - Attraction to women's black underwear.
Melolagnia - Arousal from music.
Meretricium - A tax on prostitution.
Menophilist - Arousal from menstruating women.
Merinthophilia - Arousal from being bound.
Miscegenation —When two people of different races get it on, this person wants to get it on. Sex or marriage between people of different races.
Mixoscopy - The secret observation of a sex act.
Moriaphilia - Arousal from telling sex related jokes.
Mucophagy - The consuming of nasal mucus.
Munchausen's syndrome - Arousal from opening a wound.
Mysophilia - The arousal from handling soiled underwear or foul odors.
Nanophilia - Attraction to short people.
Naphephilia - Arousal from touching or being touched.
Narratophilia - Arousal from telling sex related stories, poems, jokes etc.
Nasophilia - Arousal from kissing, sucking, touching or looking at another's nose.
Necrochlesis - The act of having sex with a corpse.
Necrophilia - Attraction to, or arousal from, corpses.
Necrosadism - Mutilation of corpses for sexual purposes.
Nepiophilia - Adults attraction to an infant of the opposite sex.
Nosolagnia - Arousal from knowing that ones partner has a terminal illness.
Nymphophilia - The love of a female adolescent by an adult.
Nymphotomy - The surgical procedure whereby the inner labia is cut away.
Ochlophilia - If you get turned on by being in a crowd, you need to get a job working security at Ozzfest. Refers to those own find the presence of crowds to bring sexual pleasure.
Oculophilia — Eyeball fetish. It's said that the eyes are the window to the soul. An oculophiliac thinks they are the viagra of the face.
Oculolinctus - The act of licking a persons eyeball for sexual arousal/fulfilment.
Ochlophilia - Arousal from biting.
Odaxelagnia —Bite me. No, really, bite me!
Odontophilia - Arousal from teeth.
Omolagnia —Aroused by nudity? Freak. (Hey, wasn't that Gymnophilia?)
Ondinisme - Arousal from urine.
Ozolagnia - Arousal from odors. "Ooooo, that smell! Can you smell that smell? Oooooooo, that smell!" Outside of bad old Lynyrd Skynyrd references, Ozolagnians are turned on by powerful scents.
Pageism - Male submitting to a female.
Paizogony - Petting.
Pathicant - A minor who engages in anal sex with an adult.
Paraphilia - Arousal from acts that are generally considered unacceptable by the fetishist (themselves) or society.
Pecattiphilia - Sexual excitement from stealing or sinning.
Pediophilia - Attraction to dolls.
Penotherapy - Regulation of prostitutes as a form of disease control.
Paedophilia - Adult sexual attraction to children.
Parthenophilia —These people have a desire to deflower virgins. You know, find a virgin, grab the flowers right out of their hands and trample them for the sheer joy of it. They're just so mean.
Phallophilia —This person only wants penises of unusual size, namely gargantuan. Arousal from an erect penis of exceptional dimensions (length or girth).
Philemanmania - Compulsion to kiss.
Philematology - The art of kissing.
Phlebotomy - Blood letting. Often practiced for sexual purposes by Vampyres.
Phobophilia - Arousal from fear.
Phygephilia —Turned on by being a fugitive. If you also fantasize about finding the one-armed man, you may be a Richardkimballiac. Arousal from flight (as in run away).
Podophilia - Foot fetish.
Polyiterophilia - The need for several sex partners before orgasm can occur.
Psychrocism - Arousal from cold, or, arousal from seeking another that is cold.
Psychrotentiginous - Arousal from cold water.
Pubephilia —Don't ever shave for this person, because pubic hair is where it's at.
Pygmalionism - Attraction to manikins.
Pygophilia - Arousal from touching, playing with or seeing another's buttocks.
Pyrolagnia - Sexual arousal form watching fire.
Pyrophilia - Sexual arousal from fire.
Raptophilia - Arousal from raping a victim.
Retifism —Turned on by shoes. Would this be also known as Imeldaism?
Rhabdophilia - Arousal from being flogged, beaten or caned.
Sacofricosis - The practice of cutting a hole in the pockets of trousers so that a person can masturbate (usually in public).
Satyriasis - Male equivalent of nymphomania.
Scopophilia - Arousal from looking at people or events.
Shunammitism - Contact (does not have to be physical) with young girls by old men to encourage or restore sexual vigor.
Siderodromophilia - Sexual excitement from either viewing or riding upon trains.
Sitophilia - The use of food for sexual purposes.
Spectrophilia —These people get aroused by either coitus with spirits or from images in mirrors. While I can see the mirrors over the bed thing happening, I'm wondering about the spirit thing. Isn't The Enquirer still offering a bazillion dollars for proof? Why aren't these people rich by now? Is the truth really out there?
Sthenolagnia - Arousal from a display of strength and/or the sight or muscles.
Stigmatophilia - Finding body modifications arousing (tattoos, piercings, scarification etc.)
Symphorophilia - Sexual arousal from causing many casualties (train crash, burning hospitals, explosions).
Tantalolagnia - Arousal from teasing.
Taphephilia - Arousal from being buried alive.
Thalpotentiginy - Arousal from heat.
Thesauromania —While the name makes me envision someone with an insatiable Rand McNally habit, it really means people who are turned on by collecting women's clothing and stuff.
Thlipsosis —Ow! Oooooooo. Oh! Mmmmmmmmm. Turned on by pinching.
Timophilia - Arousal from power or wealth.
Tragolimia - Desire for sex regardless of attraction to partner.
Transvestitism —This person has a secret bigger than Victoria's, because they feel absolutely divine cross-dressing.
Trichophilia - Hair Fetish.
Tripsolagnia - Arousal from having one's hair shampooed by another.
Tripsolagnophilia - Arousal from massage.
Tripsophilia —Sensual massage is the only kind of massage, baby.
Urophilia - Sexual arousal from contact with urine.
Urtication - The use of stinging plants to stimulate the skin.
Vampirism - The drinking of blood/fetishism for blood.
Vicarphilia - Arousal from another person sexual experience/s.
Vincilagnia - Arousal from bondage.
Voyeurism —They like to watch. (Sounds like a good book title to me!)
Xenophilia - Sexual arousal from strangers.
Zelophilia - Arousal from jealousy.
Zoophilia - Sex between humans and (other) animals.
Zwischenstufe - Arousal from person/s of the same sex.

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2005-06-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: thats special molly

2005-06-02 [Scorched Sun]: i kknow it is and I'M HAPPY!!!

2005-06-03 [layna]: Hey! I want to join, but I didn't want to add myself!!! And I'd love it if ya'll checked out my new wiki: Chronic Masturbation

2005-06-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: you have to ask savannah if you want to join, aka, [Love 2 Live]

2005-06-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and i like your new banners, saggy!

2005-06-03 [Scorched Sun]: I'LL DO IT!!! *humps sara in a lezbionic fashion* THATS THE WAY BAYBEE!!!

2005-06-03 [eddie_05]: ne 1 who likes to cyber tlk to me

2005-06-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *talks to you*

2005-06-04 [eddie_05]: replys * wat wud u like to hapen to tou today?*

2005-06-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what?

2005-06-06 [Scorched Sun]: he wants to cyber like we did the other day but please go somewhere else as in giganto_coconuts whore house

2005-06-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: WTF??????!!!!

2005-06-06 [Scorched Sun]: isn't that special now you have your own place to virtually get it up the butt

2005-06-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: um...without my permission

2005-06-06 [Scorched Sun]: well you don't have to use it, here if it makes you feel better Eddie_05's Love Shack

2005-06-08 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: well first, I don't cyber, and second, I don't cyber...but it's still funny, you can keep it molly

2005-06-08 [srthsrh]: hiya

2005-06-08 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hi farquar

2005-06-08 [Scorched Sun]: hey

2005-06-08 [Scorched Sun]: yay i can keep my perverted places!

2005-06-08 [srthsrh]: hiya

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